বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ জুন, ২০১০

2010 FIFA World Cup: Top 10 Teams That Didn't Qualify

Theoretically, the FIFA World Cup is meant to bring together the world's top teams. However, there always seems to be a few of Mother Earth's best that end up missing the party, though many don't care as long as the major powers are present. For some, it's an indictment on the tournament's qualifying process. Others blame the teams themselves.

Whether you believe certain regions get too many or too few World Cup spots, that there needs to be more intercontinental qualifiers, that some teams just had a run of bad luck, or that they just plain choked, the fact of the matter is that those competing for international football's top prize aren't necessarily the world's top 32 teams.

Here's a look at the best teams kicking back on couches instead of kicking footballs this summer.

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