বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৭ জুন, ২০১০

Lara Dutta & Mahesh Bhupati’s African safari

Mahesh Bhupathi and actress Lara Dutta, who are allegedly seeing each other, are set to take off on an African safari. The pair will be flying to South Africa to catch the Fifa World Cup. However, they are not going together. Apparently Mahesh Bhupathi will go first and Lara will join him a few days later. They are most likely to catch the later matches together.

A source says, "These days you hardly see Mahesh Bhupathi or Lara Dutta without each other. Mahesh will go to South Africa a couple of days before Lara as she has a lot of work to finish in Mumbai." Mahesh had tweeted, "Woke up with Fever today! Football Fever. I have entered my picks in multiple pools with friends!

Between this and Wimbledon it will be hectic." He is also rooting for his favourite team, "England all the way I say, Portugal to win the group of death. Will be good for the hosts to win or at least draw today."

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