মঙ্গলবার, ২২ জুন, ২০১০

Growing concern in Brazil as number of flood victims increase

Officials in Brazil fear the death toll may rise as four days of flooding has punished the northeastern states of Pernambuco and Alagoas, killing 33 people and leaving thousands homeless, officials said.
More than 1,000 people are missing in the state of Alagoas. Some 500 people are unaccounted for in the town of Uniao dos Palmares alone, a state spokesman said.
According to Brazil's civil defense agency, more than 40,000 are homeless.
Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is meeting in Brasilia with governors of both states and has promised to facilitate emergency funds to help flood victims.
Pernambuco Governor Eduardo Campos -- who flew over the affected areas -- described the situation as "heart-breaking."
"What we have seen since Friday is more than a horror-film," Campos said in an official statement.
Alagoas Governor Teotonio Vilela Filho traveled through several affected areas an attempted to reassure public.
"I ask you all to remain calm because we are all invested in helping you," he said.
Alagoas state weather officials are forecasting more rain on Tuesday.
Brazil's Center for Climatic Studies (CPTEC) predicted rain above average in the Northeast for the Autum season, which is now coming to an end. Brazil's winter season officially began on June 21.

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