মঙ্গলবার, ১ জুন, ২০১০

Preschool TV Habits May Hurt Development

Fourth-graders who watched more television as preschoolers were more likely to be bullied, worse at math and had poorer diets, according to a study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. Researchers collected data on 1,314 Quebecois children, whose parents were asked, "How much time per day does your child spend watching TV?" at 29 months. On average, the children watched nearly nine hours of TV a week at that age, similar to the habits of American children. Every additional hour of television viewing at 29 months was associated with a 7% decrease on a scale of classroom engagement and a 6% decrease in mathematics ability in the fourth grade, according to evaluations by the children's teachers. Reading skills, however, were unchanged by early TV viewing. Each additional hour of weekly preschool TV corresponded to a 10% increase in "victimization"—how often the child was teased, insulted and physically harassed by other students. And preschool television was also linked to poorer health in fourth grade: Children who watched the most also ate the fewest fruits and vegetables and the most soft drinks, and were more likely to be overweight.

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